We use our hands every day, so palms damp with sweat can cause issues with everything from greeting people to handling objects.
We often get sweaty palms in stressful situations, when we’re scared or excited. This is because Eccrine sweat glands are highly concentrated in the hands, forehead and feet. They’re connected to our sympathetic nervous system, which kicks in when we’re stressed.
Some people who have hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, find they only sweat heavily on the palms of their hands. This condition is called palmar hyperhidrosis. It may be present at birth, but mostly starts to occur in adolescence. For some people the problem goes away, while others experience it all their lives.
Here are some quick tips if you get sweaty palms:
For those with excessive sweating of the hands, other treatments are also available. Speak to your doctor or a professional medical adviser to discuss all the options available to you.